Healing Journeys


Love Me Tender - graphic

Love Me Tender
Loving Ourselves through the Experience of Cancer

Sierra 2 Center
2791 24th Street
Sacramento, CA 95818

Approved for 5 CE credits for RN, MFT, and LCSW

The Workshop

When diagnosed with a life-altering illness, many of us struggle with self doubt. We are launched into a deep experience of uncertainty and fear.

Love Me Tender is an opportunity to explore what it means to love one’s self in the midst of illness; how to cultivate tenderness in the midst of the fear and what it means to be a temporary being, to live and die with self-acceptance and love.

When touched by cancer, everyone thinks about dying. It is why it is such a powerful catalyst. We can use any circumstance in our lives as the practice ground for cultivating true tenderness and love. Being touched by cancer is one such circumstance.

We die how we live. We do not come to the end of our lives and magically become loving and tender with ourselves. In fact, most often we become self-critical and feel like a failure, forgetting that as human beings we will all die. Accepting the limitations and gifts of being a human being are rooted in a softened heart. As we soften toward ourselves, we soften toward life. As we soften toward life, we experience acceptance and surrender. In short, we come to love life just as it is. We begin to live fully, experiencing everything as an opportunity to be soft, intimate and present. We see with greater clarity and take ourselves less seriously, giving ourselves a chance to laugh more easily, love more freely and die more gently.

The journey of loving ourselves is the most important journey of our lives. It makes life make sense. Being tender with one’s self makes it possible to love others and to have an authentic intimate life. Facing our temporary nature informs how we live. Learning tenderness through the experience of being touched by cancer significantly enriches our lives. Love me Tender is an opportunity to explore how to use being touched by cancer, or other life-altering condition, to enhance our living and ultimately to transform our dying.


Julie Interrante, MA, is committed to the evolution of the self through the power and wisdom of one’s own soul. She teaches the importance of embracing pain which breaks open the heart, catalyzing great courage, trust and creativity for living life fully. She explores the importance of vulnerability and tenderness and ultimately offers a new lens on life’s gift of transition. She has more than 25 years of experience in working with people in the midst of life-altering circumstances. She is an adjunct professor in the Department of Psychology at Sacramento City College. Julie is a speaker, minister and writer and is the author of The Power of a Broken-Open Heart. She offers classes and workshops as well as individual and group counseling in Sacramento, California. A gifted speaker and teacher, Julie brings humor, compassion and a deep respect for life to all that she does. www.julieinterrante.com