Healing Journeys Presents:

Awakening to a Deeper Relationship with Life

A Retreat with Jonathan Ellerby, PhD

Westerbeke Ranch
Sonoma, CA

October 16 — 18, 2015

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The Retreat:

Our topic during this retreat is “Awakening to a Deeper Relationship with Life.” When we talk about healing the whole person — body, mind, and spirit — what does that really mean? One of the healing strategies identified in the research for Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds is deepening your spiritual connection. What does that look like? Sound like? Feel like? How does that lead to healing?

Rev. Dr. Jonathan Ellerby will lead us on the journey to answer these questions. He will give us a background on the historical stages of healing philosophy, focusing on the attitudes and actions essential to this opportunity for growth and transformation. This interactive program will combine sessions of lecture and teaching with guided meditations, group dialogue, and small group process.

Participants will also have time for rest, self-care, reflection and open dialogue with Jonathan.

Our program is supported by co-facilitator Uxia Ellerby, a seasoned yoga teacher and certified Yoga Therapist who will provide optional “yoga for cancer” morning sessions. Uxia will remain available throughout the retreat for optional private consultations regarding how to build a health-appropriate yoga practice.


Jonathan Ellerby, PhD, is the author of two bestselling titles: Return to the Sacred and Inspiration Deficit Disorder. He is currently the Executive Director and lead minister at the Althea Center for Engaged Spirituality in Denver. Jonathan has become a popular expert on the topics of spiritual growth, total wellbeing, and cross-cultural approaches to health and healing. He has appeared in various media settings from television to documentaries, radio, and magazines. Jonathan is the co-founder of TAO Inspired Living, a wellness-retreat center and exclusive residential community devoted to total wellbeing and inspired living based in the Riviera Maya of Mexico. The former Spiritual Program Director for the acclaimed Canyon Ranch Health Resorts, Jonathan has over 20 years of experience in the fields of holistic healing, spiritual counseling, integrative medicine, and corporate consulting. www.jonathanellerby.com


Participants will learn about:

  • four approaches to healing and well-being, focusing on the mind-body-spirit connection in each;
  • how differing spiritual worldviews impact the healing journey;
  • the role of emotion in healing;
  • the role of community in healing and spirituality;
  • the nature of spiritual awakening in different cultures around the world and how they impact healing;
  • basic techniques for self-care and life balance from a progressive model of spiritually based healing;
  • why identity and self-concepts of rules must be challenged and tested;
  • metaphors of self that assist the integration of the transcendent healing model;
  • how movement exercises and yoga can support the journey of self-care;
  • what limits and considerations to include in the development of a personal yoga/movement practice for wellness.

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