We hope you will come to the conference on Saturday, June 23rd and/or Sunday, June 24th. It’s too late to register online or by mail, fax, or phone, but you can register onsite Saturday and Sunday mornings between 8 and 9 a.m.

  1. If you can, print out the Registration Form here.
  2. Fill it out and bring it with you (do not fax it in). This will save time Saturday/Sunday morning.
  3. Bring your lunch or plan to go out. We can’t take any more lunch orders. Bring your lunch if you’d like to participate in the lunch networking groups (a special time to connect with others and share experiences).
  4. Print out the Driving Directions here and the Campus Map here.
  5. Click here to read the Confirmation Letter, which has important information and details about attending the conference.
  6. If you have any questions, please first check the Frequently Asked Questions page, here. If you don’t find your answer, send an email to info@healingjourneys.org or call Healing Journeys at (800) 423-9882 or (916) 391-0549. No one will be in the office starting on Thursday afternoon, but we will check messages and try to call you back (please speak slowly and leave your area code with your phone number).
  7. Important! Please bring a closed container for water with you. We will have water stations for you to refill your container. We will not provide bottled water at the conference.
  8. If you are a Health Professional and would like to register for Continuing Education credits, please bring your license number with you.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday and/or Sunday!