Charlottesville 2010 Conference

Cancer as a Turning Point, from Surviving to Thriving™
University of Virginia Cancer Center
Charlottesville, VA
June 5 & 6, 2010

Comments from participants:

  • Listening to others who have experienced similar and more difficult treatments gives me assurance that whatever lies ahead, I can get through it.

  • Excellent: The speakers inspired me, encouraged me; I learned a different way of thinking about how I live my life.

  • You gave something for every need, purpose, level and style. Thank you!!

  • I learned a lot about myself from talking to others in my similar situation. Very good speakers and excellent conference.

  • Cancer has been a journey for me. I was, as Dr. Learner mentioned, at the top of the mountain. I left a few things up there when I had to return to the valley. This conference reminded me that I can go back up there and get them whenever I need to. I still have access!

  • Very validating, very positive.

  • Positive and powerful info to fight cancer AND live. Just what I’ve been looking for.

  • More than worth the 3-hour drive and expense of overnight stay. Far exceeded expectations. PLEASE have another conference soon in Northern Virginia.

  • I talked to other support persons, I tried to see the cancer experience through my husband’s eyes and to be more sensitive to his decisions.

  • I had expected to learn but had not expected to cry – did both – needed it. Thank you so, so much.

  • Excellent as always and yet special and unique, inspiring and motivating, informative and spiritual. I am so grateful, thank you.

  • This conference was wonderful – full of hope. Just what I needed. I’m taking away lots of wisdom to ponder.

  • Well thought out program – the mix of presentations and quality deepened my experience.

  • I am so glad I came today and I’ll be back tomorrow. I myself have not had cancer although many in my family have. I learned so much today about staying a non-cancer healthy person. Much of the info could be applied to other serious illnesses and losses in life. I also met some wonderful people today.

  • A – Z Top Notch! Very professional!