1994-1999 Conference Comments

“I loved being in a sacred container for two days. It was safe to let down at a profoundly deep level and let the river of healing and feelings wash over and through me. It was the whole that was beyond the sum of any parts that was a treasure above all.”

“I’m scheduled for surgery next week. This conference is my best preparation.”

“It was so much more than I anticipated. A beautiful experience. I loved the balance between spiritualism and science; seriousness and humor; the music and audience participation.”

“My wife and I appreciated the opportunity to come here and experience this healing journey, meeting others who are survivors.”

“I do not have cancer. I came to support two friends who do. I never expected what I experienced and received here. I want to say about the program: that its mix of art and dance of such high caliber with speakers who provoked so much thought; the whole participatory nature of it; the essential universal courtesy; the feeling of strength promoted as well as offered and show and described; the integrity of it; the professionalism in terms of talent and intent, coupled with warmth and sincerity – these things were among the best experiences in a conference I have ever had anywhere. I am very proud to have been part of it. Thank you.”

“I cannot believe how creative, integrative, wholistic and spiritual these days have been. Best of all are all the people who gave so much of themselves.”

“I came home feeling inspired and empowered.”

“The conference gave me strength and courage, and the ability to love and be grateful again. Bless you all.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed the conference. It was so well planned – things just seemed to flow. I know that this is the result of many hours of hard work, but the only word I can think of to describe the atmosphere I experienced is ‘gracious’.”

“The variety of style and content blended so well, each to the other, and opened up wonderful experiences of exploration for me. I appreciated the movement from spirit to mind to body and back again, with many stops along the way.”

“The speakers were all excellent. I’ve never been to a conference where every speaker was absolutely enthralling, knowledgeable, and inspirational.”

“Your scheduling was impressive – varied presentations, etc. Great work – probably the best organized workshop/conference I have ever attended as a health professional/counselor/survivor.”

“Everything was top-notch. I had read Kitchen Table Wisdom and was eager to hear Rachel Naomi Remen. I thought I would leave after that. I never expected to come back on Sunday. I never expected to learn so much, to cry so much, to laugh so much. I did not expect such a high level of everything. I don’t know what I expected, but I would never have believed anyone could create something this wonderful and not charge for it.”